Lovely "usage" wrapper for jasmine data-driven tests

Michael Roufa - 14 October 2013

I was looking for a way to do a bit of data-driven testing with jasmine, and JP nailed it.

describe("username validation", function() {
  using("valid values", 
    ["abc", "longusername", "john_doe"], 
      it("should return true for valid usernames", function() {

The gist is that you can simply wrap your it() calls in a function that iterates over an array and pass the data in with each loop. It works great with synchronous and asynchronous tests. The function integrates cleanly with the test runner so each spec gets its own descriptive row. Best of all, it has a very pleasing syntax that makes it clear what is going to happen when you use it.

Check out JP’s blog for the source.